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Our WORST Honeybee SWARM Capture EVER!
If I Hadn't Caught It On Camera You Wouldn't Have Believed Me
Swarm Traps for Bees - My Worst Bait Hive Ever Catches a Swarm
Watch a swarm move into a trap - start to finish!
Angry Bee Swarm Attacks Volunteer Police Officer on Live TV
MASSIVE Beehive Found With 7 Queens and 10 Lbs of Bees !!!!
When The Bees Fight Back
Destroying A Dangerous Yellowjacket Nest Using Carbon Monoxide.
Honeybees can be brutal. This is how they kill a queen bee.
A massive HORNET nest hit and run! #hornets #hornetnest #wasps #yellowjackets #insects #bees
Wasp nest attack Fail. It's wasn't good idea...